How to properly throw bottles and cans out the window. By now, most of my neighbors have seen me more than once, walking along the road with one or more plastic bags in hand. I started this little hobby to help an unemployed friend who was…
A Series of Unfortunate Events. That’s the best way to described how things have been lately. It apparently isn’t enough to have a lockdown, be isolated, not be able to dance or do any of the things I would normally do to socialize. There just had…
About 20 years ago, I bought a painting at a garage sale. It was a print of the painting The Herring Net by Winslow Homer. It reminded me the bible verse, ““Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Matt 4:19. I hung…
It’s funny the things we turn to and find fun when we have a lot of time on our hands. The recent lock down has shown me a thing or two about how deeply rooted some things are within me. These are things old, familiar and…
I have disagreements with people all the time. I sometimes have disagreements with inanimate objects. I would say for the most part I win more of my arguments with objects than I do with people. There is however one notable exception. Stairs. Yes, stairs. I know…
There is something about this time of year that makes us all a little something more than we usually are. For those of us that are anxious, it makes us a little more fearful. For those that are us that are depressed, it makes us a…
I really like sitting on the couch as much as anyone. That probably stems from my childhood where such a foolish endeavor was greatly frowned upon. Even more than that, getting caught sitting on the couch watching the TV at just about any time of the…
Reading and I have a love hate relationship. Most of the time my short attention span precludes me from reading very much. But when I do read it becomes my passion, my obsession for short periods of time. My first interlude with reading was between sixth…
It is unofficially official. We have a new month, Novembruary. Novembruary occurs when you get winter like weather in November that would be more normal for the months of January or February. I am referring to things like daily high temperatures of 25 degrees, snow storms…
There is a little trail that is less than a quarter of a mile from my house. The Charlie Major Nature Trail is only three-quarters of a mile long and runs along Skaneateles Creek on the old railroad bed. It is a historic place with the…