It’s funny the things we turn to and find fun when we have a lot of time on our hands. The recent lock down has shown me a thing or two about how deeply rooted some things are within me. These are things old, familiar and…
Business is and never was for the faint of heart. Most small businesses don’t make it. 20% fail in the first year, 30% in the second year and 50% by the fifth year, and 70% have failed by their tenth year. With all that bad news…
Sometimes things that are different or unique appeal to me. Put that together with being a little bit of a collector and a mild case of GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) and I am likely to collect almost anything. Lately I have been presented with my newest…
I was always small as a kid growing up. A bout of undiagnosed allergy triggered asthma caused me to not grow for a year when I was two years old, or so I am told. I also had a late birthday so when I started my…
Subtitle: Short Cuts and Cheap Things If you are like me, you have most likely tried to take short cuts to save time or bought something cheap to try and save money. Every cheap car, tool, shoe, etc that I have ever owned has cost me…
I started playing guitar when I was 25. I had just gone through a bad breakup and was looking for something to occupy my time and mind. I bought an Ovation Balladeer which has a wooden top and a carbon fiber *bowl* for the body. I…
As people, we tend to “fall in love” with things. I know I do it all the time. The latest thing I’ve fallen in love with is guitars. You see the problem is I love them all, acoustic, electric, old, new, large, small and even guitar…