About Me

Hello and welcome to my Findings. My family calls me Andy and my friends call me Andrew. I’ll let you decide which one you’d like to be. I currently work as a contract network administrator for an insurance company.

I’ve often lamented over the years that I have never really mastered anything, but have dabbled in many things. In my 57 plus years I have cut firewood, worked in a sawmill, driven heavy equipment, made maple syrup, studied audio engineering, worked as a life guard and swimming instructor, been an insurance agent, studied and taught martial arts, started (and failed) a computer business, became a network engineer, started an Internet service (or 2 or 5), and studied natural health/nutrition. And that’s just the start. There is also cycling, whitewater kayaking, crypto currency, stock market investing, house flipping, auto mechanics, massage therapy, guitar collecting, singing, songwriting, Latin dancing, teaching Bible studies and much more!

I’ve decided it is high time to turn all this into a positive. Being a jack of all trades can be a great thing!

I’ve spent decades researching, learning and boiling things down. My goal is to give insight to my research and maybe save you some time along the way.

If nothing else, I’m hoping this will be a great legacy to pass down to my children and my grandchildren, to give them insight and to know what can be possible in a lifetime.

I hope my Findings encourage, inform and entertain!