There is something about this time of year that makes us all a little something more than we usually are.
For those of us that are anxious, it makes us a little more fearful.
For those that are us that are depressed, it makes us a little more down.
For those of us that overthink things, we over analyze a little more than usual.
But there is an upside to all of this too.
For those that are giving, we give a little more
For those that are joyful and happy, we sing in our hearts a little louder.
For those that are kind, we reach out to the hurting just a little bit more.
Christmas is the season of more, more of everything good and bad. We all know about the bad as it is in our faces starting from the end of October, the commercial side of Christmas.
The good things that I hope the holiday season makes you more of are loving, caring, and forgiving.
The only sure thing about this time of year is that it will come and go just as the sun rises and sets every day. The season is upon us and this too shall pass. For some this season is a reminder of what we had or do not have while for others a celebration with loved ones and of things hopeful, to look forward to.
What we do and how we feel during the holidays is as much a choice as anything. My hope for is that you chose joy over anxiety, forgiveness over regret, and love over fear. The holiday season marches on and it will all be over before we know it. And we can make it a little better for ourselves and those around us by the choices we make.
Hoping and praying for you this holiday season much love, peace and joy.