Twas the night before Zwiftmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, me asleep on the Couch.
My wish list was hung In my pain cave with care
Hoping Her Royal Bikeness soon would be there.
The Herdlings all asleep in their beds
Visions of Tron bikes danced in their heads.
And Herd Momma in her Her kit and Marius in His bibs
Were fighting over the trainer, who had first dibs?
When out in Watopia there arose such a clatter
I opened up my discord to see what’s the matter.
Away to my smart phone I flew like a flash
Just missing Jake and Max as they Sprinted past.
And Julie her frame pump fully intact.
With Lee Levy with his red beacon riding on the back.
Carl was leading a large group of sweeps,
On Bobby and Brad and Wolfpack and Frosty Steve
On Felix, and Dave Turner and Sully and D.T.
The pace line went on for as far as I could see.
Can’t forget Mary and Dorothy and Sarah one and two
When all together, the Herd makes up quite a crew.
So whether together or planning the next ride.
Riding with Zwift keeps us out of the cold outside.
So fill up your bottle and strap on your shoes.
And don’t forget to check Zherd on FaceBook to keep up on the news.
The new year is almost upon us and with all its new goals
And maybe some new cleats to cover up your toes.
Be happy and festive and watch out for the fence!
It’s red like Santa’s suit but that’s where the fun ends!
So with the endless kilometers and miles and the alp nowhere in sight
Merry Zwiftmas to and all and to all a Zwanukkah night!