Today was a day not unlike most other days. We all have a lot of those. I often think the routines in life are more challenging to deal with than change. The daily grind can become mundane and monotonous.
When you are in your twenties, thirties and forties you think you have all the time in the world. When you get into your fifties, the realization begins to set in that you don’t have any time to waste.
I often speak with my brother about the need to be productive at all times. Productivity can come in many forms. I like to focus on two types of things, making money/saving for retirement and life experiences.
If I could give one piece of advice to young people, it would be to push hard before you are fifty. After fifty, the amount of energy you have to do things will go down sharply, almost overnight. I said that to a friend of mine once who was in their late forties. I saw the person five years later and it was admitted to me that I was right. What a difference five years can make.
I am now probably busier than ever. I work as a computer admin/consultant, I am starting a promotional products business, dance two or three times a week, take care of a home, keep track (at least I try to) of three children, work out and even find time to write three or four articles a week. I push as hard as I can. I wish I had pushed harder when I was younger.
Yet there is still time. Ray Kroc was 53 when he opened the first McDonalds. Harland Sanders was 65 when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken. It is never too late to follow your dreams.
Start today. Don’t wait any longer.